Okay gang, Animation Magazine has just announced their Pitch Party for 2010! We are going for our third straight win...."impossible" you say???? Not if we can help it!
Read the instructions below, take note of the deadline, view last year's blog (now open to visitors) see last year's winners and prizes and get your design(s) in!
Commercial Animation is buying a full page (six "pitches") and we need your designs to fill the space. Each pitch would normally cost you $375 US but we're going to cover it because it helps us get the word out that we have such an awesome group of artists.
So to be entered (for free) you must enter our mini-competition whose winners will have their work submitted to Animation Magazine's competition (and be published).
Read the instructions below, take note of the deadline, view last year's blog (now open to visitors) see last year's winners and prizes and get your design(s) in!
Commercial Animation is buying a full page (six "pitches") and we need your designs to fill the space. Each pitch would normally cost you $375 US but we're going to cover it because it helps us get the word out that we have such an awesome group of artists.
So to be entered (for free) you must enter our mini-competition whose winners will have their work submitted to Animation Magazine's competition (and be published).
Capilano's Pitch Party Procedure
1. Important: email Don and ask to be a contributing member of this Pitch Party Blog (and then accept the invitation) so you can post!
2. Post as many designs as you like. Read the instructions to make sure you know what the magazine is looking for. Though it would be nice to have six different students represented, there's no rule that says the same person can't win two out of the six spots and this has happened in the past.
3. The Capilano competition closes at 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, June 1st, 2010 and our judges (to be announced) will decide on the winners by June 4th. Each judge will give me a ranked list of their 6 favorite entries. The pitches with the highest ranking will make the Animation Magazine pitch party. Judges may comment on your work and you can make changes. Winners will need to submit HI-RES image files (JPG or TIFF) to me by email by June 5th. I will send them on to Animation Magazine before their deadline.
You may post early and get feedback from people. Once posting begins, only invited blog members will be able to visit the blog until the judging starts.
4. Judges will be selected from the industry.
5. The winners will then have a couple days to tighten up their designs and we will submit them to Animation Magazine for publishing. The Animation Magazine rules for last year (and great advice about what to design) are at this link.
6. Submit:
a) An image, EXACTLY 2.25 inches wide by 4.875 inches high (If you're using TV Paint, the equivalent is 1350 pixels wide by 2923 pixels high).
b) Up to 30 words (part of the artwork) to pitch the idea or character
c) The title of your Pitch (optional on artwork)
d) Contact information (email address and maybe your blog address if you've got a killer blog that you want people to visit)
e) Email me your name, title of pitch, email address and phone number that I will forward with the artwork. You must give me permission to send this to Animation Magazine or I cannot submit your work (Instructors are not permitted to release any information about students without their permission).
Important! Check out past entries (below) to research why pitches won and which designs looked crappy! When designing, watch out for: text too small to read, bad composition/negative space, cramped layout from trying to get too much in, unappealing characters or ones that lack personality, sick colours or too many colours, boring concept or one that's been done to death or one that's offensive or too adult....they're looking for "fresh" and "kid-friendly".
Want to see our first pitch party blog? Click here:http://pitchparty.blogspot.com/
Want to see the 2008 Animation Mag entries? Click here:
Important! Check out past entries (below) to research why pitches won and which designs looked crappy! When designing, watch out for: text too small to read, bad composition/negative space, cramped layout from trying to get too much in, unappealing characters or ones that lack personality, sick colours or too many colours, boring concept or one that's been done to death or one that's offensive or too adult....they're looking for "fresh" and "kid-friendly".
Want to see our first pitch party blog? Click here:http://pitchparty.blogspot.com/
Want to see the 2008 Animation Mag entries? Click here: