Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Time to Vote Online!

The entries are online!  You can vote for your favorites.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

And the winners are......

Here are the pitches that will be in the August issue of Animation Magazine!
Thanks to everyone who entered, there was a lot of great work posted. 
Special thanks to our esteemed judges, 
all Cap grads except for Kevin (but we won't hold that against him!).  
Click on their names to see their blogs/websites.

Thanks again everyone!  The winners will be contacted regarding submitting their final designs to me for sending to Animation Magazine.  We need to get this out soon.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Competition Closed - Judging Stage

Thanks to everyone who submitted an entry.  Our judges will be looking at your work now and when they have given me their choices, I'll post the winners here.  Good luck!

Note that the winning entries will need to be resubmitted to me by email in a hi-res format.  I'll contact you individually.

Because one was gonna be late, I saved the crappiest one for last!

Meet Mr Wells

God, how is it possible this is crappier than last year?! Never mind, I do know... :(

(I dare anyone to say this wasn't posted before noon.)


last one from me.


I don't know if I got the file size right, but it's already deadline! @_@


This is my idea. It took forever to get right, but just in time.

The Yaardvark